🍣 7 cracking charts on compound creativity

Hey friend – Rob here.

System1 and The IPA are two of the most legit evidence-based bodies out there.

And they recently co-released a research report on the importance of creative consistency.

Or as they call it – compound creativity.

(Goodness me, i love a financial analogy.)

The full report is at the bottom of this email.

But because i'm a nerd about this stuff, i clipped the 7 most useful charts for your ✨ pleasure ✨.

Hope they're useful for when making the argument for... not changing that much!

Let's get into it.

1. Fluent devices take a while to pay off

Tread lightly next time you think you need to completely transform the brand (again).

2. Greater consistency yields greater performance

"Don't time the market, spend time in the market" is as true in finance as it is in advertising.

3. Consistency breeds fame and popularity

Think of popularity like protein (sustained energy release), not sugar (quick spikes and a crash).

4. Consistency grows most brand metrics (except trust)

Provided they're proper company, it seems to be quite hard for brands to outstay their welcome.

5. Consistency helps ads wear in

Because, as we need to keep reminding ourselves, wear-out is a myth.

6. Consistency grows value, profit and share

It's not just a "brand thing", it's a business thing (like most "brand things" are).

7. But it does not help manage decline

Even a business on the way out might benefit from shaking things up!

The full report is here.

Keep swimming,


Rob Estreitinho

Independent strategy consultant

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