🍣 ​The underrated benefit of writing a brief​

Hey friend – Rob here.

A while ago, i was talking to the head of marketing for a pretty cool startup.

And they mentioned one of the big challenges their team had was writing briefs.

Now, i'd assume the problem with this is that things go undocumented.

But this head of marketing made a different, yet very simple, point.

The exercise of writing the brief is as valuable as the document itself.

My read on this:

  1. The document is there to give clarity to everyone on a project.
  2. The writing of the document is there to give the author clarity first.

It's pretty wise stuff, and i wish more leaders framed it this way.

Keep swimming,


Rob Estreitinho

Independent strategy consultant

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Salmon Theory, by Rob Estreitinho

Helping savvy strategists swim upstream.

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